What is granular absorbent powder?
The handling of liquid is always a mess. Containing it is always a challenge. But with granular absorbent powder stabilizing, packing and safe cleanup becomes easy and feasible. The mass marketing of products can easily confuse buyers, but all you need to know are the functions so that you may make the best decision for your situation. These products work in a wide range of places, for instance, auto-shops, grocery stores, restaurants, emergency responders, towing companies, transportation providers, etc.
For you to choose the suitable absorbent for your spills, you need to get complete information about it, and then you can make a better decision considering all the options available. We have all the types of granular absorbent powders, other products that can act as alternatives to the oil absorbent powder, and their usages gathered in one place. So all you need to do is give it a read!
How to choose the right granular absorbent powder?
Absorbent granules have many different purposes, depending on the type of granules you buy. The advantage of granules over pads, socks, or other spill control apparatus is their simplistic and flexible application. Although the complete range of oil absorbent granular and powders is cost-effective, you still need to analyze which one is best for your clean-up. Here are factors to consider:
- Spill Size: What is the volume of your worst-case scenario spill? Determining the extent of the spill is essential when deciding what granular absorbent to choose from; We can classify spill sizes into Small spill(up to 300L), Medium spill(300l to 500l), Large spill(More than 500L). The larger the spill size, the is a bigger job for the granular absorbent. Some spills in the 300L range are best handled with super sorbent for fast action, while larger spills over 500L might need to be addressed with super-absorbent like Peat Moss in conjunction with heavy-duty spill kits.
- Spill Location: If your spill has a lot of surface areas, such as a liquid that has spilled on the ground or the floor in your workspace, you should buy a powder with coarser grains and particles to provide more coverage. Granular powders are available in coarse and fine sizes for these situations. Outdoors or Indoors, will wind or weather conditions influence your clean-up? These are some of the questions to ask when determining the best absorbent to use at each location. Consider choosing a granular or powdered absorbent that can be used both in a wet area and an area where sunlight may be present to help break down the oil.
- Spilled Material: Know what you are absorbing–If the material that you are cleaning up is liquid or semi-liquid, you need a powder with bigger particles and grains to help soak it up. On the other hand, if the spilled material is solid or semi-solid, you can use a powder with smaller particles and grains. Is it water-based or oil-based? Use universal absorbent granular for general maintenance of anything from around machinery, under leaky pipes, in messy traffic areas. Is it Oil-Based Fluids Outdoors/Water-Repelling? Use Oil Only Absorbents. For instance, coconut coir is specialized for oil and other petroleum-based spills including paints and non-water soluble chemicals, these absorbents will not absorb water and will float indefinitely. Is it Hazardous Chemical Fluids? Use non-marking and non-dusting Chemical Absorbents like New Safety Thread. Surfactant-treated polypropylene absorbents can be used on a wide range of chemicals, including hydrofluoric acid. They are chemically inert, so they will not react with aggressive fluids. Keep in mind that absorbents take on the properties of whatever they absorb, so the bright color provides a visual indication to separate waste streams.
- Spill Material Disposal Rules: Different materials have different disposal rules. In some cases, it is better to use a specialty product like a paper floor mat or non-woven fabric pad rather than a conventional granular absorbent. Some spills may require you to call in hazardous material disposal experts. Spill material disposal rules vary from region to region, country to country, and state to state. Make sure you are informed of the proper procedures in your area before you use any absorbent powder or absorbent products.
Once you’ve identified each factor, you’ll be able to create a plan of action for your situation. You will learn quickly that not all spills are created equal, and it is very common to use multiple different types of absorbents to conquer a single spill.
Various types of sorbents are:
Isn’t technology pacing at its highest speed? Water or simple pads were used in the olden days to clean up any sort of mess, from the water in the kitchen to the industrial fuel. Looking in the future, it feels what is there left to be invented? But for now, let us have a look at what we can tackle for our usage. There is a range of availability of options for various purposes, and they are.
- Socks: its usage is simple! It can easily absorb any drips that occur in machinery while working. Its manufacturing is done in a way that you can mold it in any shape and fit it in the leakage so that it prevents the floor from getting dirty.
- Pads/rolls: it is effective in cleaning up or wiping the footprints and cleaning up the spills from the socks too. It can act as a cost-effective alternative to other oil absorbent products.
- Cushions: the job is no other than the pads or rolls. It is just an alternative to use by the customer as per their preference. Specifically, it is used in industries that contain heavy types of machinery.
- Booms: what these booms do is that they act as a barrier between the water to spill in the oil. It contains hooks and rings cellulose-based that can be connected to another boom together for extensive usage. It is durable as it has hydrophobic qualities, which prevents water from mixing in the oil.
- Drum toppers: there can be extra spills in the drainage systems. Drum toppers can act as the perfect barrier between the drainage systems and oil/fuel/water spills.
- Granular & Powders: Granular absorbents are made of a range of materials like corn cobs, polypropylene, or recycled cardboard, and has various positive features that make them the perfect choice for any situation to reduce the risk of slip accidents anywhere from cracks, gaps, corners, and porous surfaces. They can be used on various surfaces in a wide range of situations, from keeping floors clean and dry, reducing slipping accidents and hazards to improving surface traction.
The inventions of these great products act as cost-effective and efficient ways to clean or control oil spills; however, if you are looking for flexible, simple, and the most cost-effective solutions, you’ll want to shift your focus towards oil absorbent granules & powders. Be it an aggressive spill or a non-aggressive one. Motor oil absorbent powders will do their job perfectly. It is always a good idea to have a complete set of sorbents to answer any spill situation, but granular & powders should make up at least 75-80% of your arsenal if you are looking to save the most time and money. For you to choose the right type of oil absorbent powder, let us accommodate you!
There are different types of motor oil absorbent powders available such as:
- Clay: Clay absorbent granules made from a naturally occurring mineral, usually Attapulgite are a dust-free heavyweight absorbent granule that is ideally designed for use outdoor. They are a fairly fast absorbent for the clean-up of oil, fuel, and water-based liquid spills. However, they might become heavy, bulky, messy, and difficult to dispose of after use.
- Corn Cob: Natural organic sorbent made from the leftover dry corn cobs after all the deliciously sweet corn has been removed. Corn cobs offer a unique, eco-friendly way to absorb liquids and this granular has been used for centuries to absorb spills. Whether you’re dealing with small, medium, or large motor oil spills and more, you can be sure corn cob granules will do the job. Its use is environmentally friendly i.e It contributes to green living and practices that help conserve natural resources.
- Coconut Husk: The ultimate eco-friendly, renewable, and biodegradable spill absorbent product. Coconut husk(the hairy/coarse part of coconut) is used to produce coconut coir which offers a natural, inexpensive, readily available, environmentally-friendly excellent adsorbent. This absorbent works great on all types of hydrocarbon spills (like gasoline, oil, dye, antifreeze, methylene blue e.t.c.) The monolithic structure of this material enables it to trap free-flowing liquids with minimum absorption, evacuate and contain liquid spills, and keep toxic chemicals contained while allowing them to degrade naturally.
- Polypropylene: Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer (synthetic biodegradable materials that turn into plastic when heated to a specific temperature) used to produce most oil absorbent pads and mats that are used in a variety of industries including oil spill cleanup. It is a particularly useful substance because it’s hydrophobic — meaning that it repels water — and oleophilic — it attracts oils. They are commonly used to Maintaining safe workspaces in automotive workshops, Cleaning larger spills in industrial settings, Spot-cleaning vegetable oil, paint, and other oil-based substances.
- Recycled Paper: Environmentally conscious spill control material used to produce cellulose-based absorbents. Cellulose are the most effective for absorbing oil, fuel, and antifreeze, and they are made from 100% recycled paper products, this environmentally friendly product makes an excellent industrial absorbent.
- Spill King: An effective lightweight absorbent powder, clean-up solution for Small, medium, or large spills. The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) found granular absorbent types, such as Spill King, to be the most effective for absorbing oil, fuel, and antifreeze.
This information will help you decide on the best oil absorbent granule or sorbent combination type that suits your spill type. It is vital to differentiate between these products so that you can prevent your employees from getting injuries and minor incidents in the workplace. After all, the environment of the company is the first and the foremost goal! To ensure that your employees feel safe and secure while working so that productivity and efficiency are not affected, you need to provide them with a bit of effort!